Market Entry Service Solutions for Asia, Global & Foreign Business

Asia is home to over 4.5 billion people – more than half the world’s population. Rates of economic and social development vary amongst Asian countries and is the reason that a company new to the region needs insightful research and comparative evaluation for successful Asia market entry.

Asia is home to over 4.5 billion people – more than half the world’s population. Rates of economic and social development vary amongst Asian countries and is the reason that a company new to the region needs insightful research and comparative evaluation for successful Asia market entry.

Asia has experienced some of the most dynamic economic growth in recent years with unprecedented numbers of people rising from lower economic levels with strong growth in urbanisation, infrastructure and demand for better health, education, housing, energy requirements, transport and consumer products.

Asian Insiders are seasoned trading professionals from a range of senior corporate backgrounds and with partner teams in most Asian territories. This unparalleled combination of breadth and depth allows our clients access to Asia, both within each territory and regionally. With over 1,000 completed client projects under our belt, we’re good at what we do. Our unique tools and templates, specifically designed for global market entry strategies,  are honed to produce the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Market Entry Process: Our 3-E’s


Success in Asia requires careful preparation. There is much to learn and know before commencing operations. ‘Evaluate’ is the first of our ‘3-E’s’ – suitable for companies that have not previously operated within Asia. Asian Insiders offers several service modules, each offering proven tools and processes that sets out to answer a fundamental question: ‘How would my company prosper in Asia?’ Service delivery is customised to the client and their stage on the journey towards successful business in Asia. For each product or service, product market fit must be analysed as price levels and competition vary within Asia. Allow Asian Insiders to fully explore your opportunities to give you every chance for success in the international market entry evaluation process in Asia.
Our Service Modules
Where your company is considering moving into an Asian market, but lacks detailed comparative knowledge, Asian Insiders will thoroughly research your sector across all relevant Asian markets and provide comparative data on market size, attractiveness and maturity. An essential survey of best opportunities available across Asia.
Having determined your preferred ideal market in Asia, your board still needs assurance that your range of products and services will fit. You want to verify market potential and minimise risk. Asian Insiders offers our Test Drive service, based on direct market feedback from target customers and industry experts. Responses are tabulated to confirm product-market fit.
With your primary Asian market performing well, its time to develop your wider regional strategy. You may need to develop a phased regional expansion, including possible alternative market entry modes for international business and operations. Asian Insiders offers fact-based market insight country by country across Asia. We support our clients with planned, optimised and staged resource allocation across territories and sectors and coordinating with global corporate objectives.


There are several possible approaches to entering a new Asian market. The most common approach to selling in Asia is via third party channels such as agents, distributors, dealers, importers, system integrators, VAR’s etc. But finding the right channel is just the beginning – getting the business flowing through your partners is the next challenge. To assist we offer our unique tools and processes, and years of experience of business in Asia to enable your success with international strategies for entering foreign markets. Professional channel management is a skill and an art. Doing this well leads directly to stronger performance. Professional channel management, with the right partners will improve your competitiveness in foreign market entry strategies, shorten your time to market cycles and increase financial performance on every level. Further, your relationships with end customers will be more satisfying, building longer and deeper loyalty with your market. Building an adaptive channel management strategy that is responsive and that works for all parties will be long term sustainably profitable.
Our Service Modules
Your company intends to enter a selected Asian market and wants to develop a plan for entry. Asian Insiders works closely with our clients to determine the optimal mode of entry, suitable channels and partners along with establishing budget, timeline and KPI’s. Our work and recommendations are based on decades of real world experience in each specific market.
In order to succeed, you will need ideal partners and the best available channels to market. Our unique methodology addresses the need to win long term, sustainable business in hand with partners that share the same vision. Based on real-world experience, Asian Insiders offer proven systems to identify ideal partners and channels to market in the global market entry process.
You have the partners in place, but these need direct support in the market and from your regional office. Asian Insiders works closely between you and your partners to ensure sales teams are fully prepared and that all sales activities are implemented in practice and on schedule. We ensure complete exchange of information between your team and your partner for optimal results.
Your regional team must establish effective working methods, systems and reporting processes to achieve the highest long-term market performance. Asian Insiders provides a tailored and advanced collection of practical tools, systems, and processes specifically designed for efficient channel management. We will further adapt these to align with your specific needs for international market entry and growth.
Asia can tend towards old-world bureaucracy. Formal licensing can take up to months of paperwork and requires fluency with local laws and regulations, as well as banking practices and it doesn’t hurt to have friendly officials in the right places. Asian Insiders can support you to meet all regulatory, licensing, accounting and official requirements for complete legal establishment.


You’ve entered your chosen Asian territory and your sales in Asia are growing, but are your current channel partners reaching full sales potential? Are they able to reach your target customers within each sector and niche? Is it worth considering to expand sales operations within your present Asian market? Are you covering all the main geographic centres? Asian Insiders will work with you to explore these questions and offer insight based on comparative market data. Before widening your scope to new Asian markets, it’s worth ensuring that you have near full saturation of the market you’ve already invested in. International strategies for entering foreign markets are an important element in expanding into the rest of Asia. And then – where to build on from here? How to extend your present base of operations into a wider regional hub? Asian Insiders will work together to further develop your start in Asia into an increasingly powerful, sustainable element in your global presence.
Our Service Modules
Before entering international markets, your regional team will need to develop effective working methods, systems, and reporting processes that will enhance long-term market performance. Asian Insiders provides tailored and advanced tools, systems, and processes for efficient channel management. We’ll further customise these based on your specific needs.
With new sales partners established, you will need to regularly review and assess them. In a few cases, some may not be reaching desired levels of performance. How to address this? Asian Insiders works closely between you and your channel partners to measure performance against market potential. We benchmark this against alternative candidates and support your company in determining your forward market entry strategy for foreign and international business.

Asian Insiders offers four core services – Market Entry, Sourcing & Outsourcing, Operative Services, as well as a range of supplementary services that vary by target market.

Are You Ready?

Is your company considering expanding into Asian markets?

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Perhaps we can help you – so connect with us here. We’re ready to engage you – let us know how to help you improve your impact in Asia.