Thailand’s Energy Future

As Thailand’s industry has expanded and the population has increasingly urbanised, its energy needs have grown considerably and as with many countries, those needs have become more complex under domestic and international pressure for cleaner power. For example, growing opposition to increased mining of lignite as well as to planned coal-fired plants in Thailand’s south is forcing the government to consider cleaner alternatives. Furthermore liquified natural gas (LNG), previously seen as a good transition fuel for energy production, has recently become an overly expensive alternative. Accordingly Thailand is looking to maximise flexibility through use of hybrid solutions such as solar/hydro, solar/battery storage with possible offshore windfarms to support oil & gas infrastructure in the gulf of Thailand.

This thoroughly researched report examines these pressures, and discusses the ways in which Thailand is responding through a blended public and private approach. The report discusses both energy generation and distribution as well as future requirements and outlines the opportunities available for partnership and participation by corporations with long-term vision and capability.

Famously blessed by year-round abundant sunshine, Thailand naturally seeks to explore sustainable energy in various forms and the Thai government is open now for business. Contact us here for your copy of this 26-page detailed report and gain a complete understanding of the next few years of Thailand’s energy future.

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