Sean Han

Sean Han is the Asian Insiders’ Partner in South-Korea and a co-founding partner. He is Korean-born and since 1998 has worked in a range of junior to senior positions, both abroad and in Korea.

Sean Han is the Asian Insiders’ Partner in South-Korea and a co-founding partner. He is Korean-born and since 1998 has worked in a range of junior to senior positions, both abroad and in Korea.

Managing Partner – Korea

As a native Korean, Sean is naturally able to connect on a local level, yet with his international experience, can easily work alongside his foreign-client companies.

Sean has considerable experience in electronics manufacturing, IT, game development, animation and CG/VR/AR production in roles such as sales, new project leadership and as executive producer.

Sean has a unique view on business in Korea, how it is developing and how it is increasingly integrated with international markets.

Co-founding advisory company, Second Opinion alongside Hannes Humala, Sean has worked with mainly Nordic companies facing challenges in the Korean market. This expanded to leading roles with a Finnish Game studio in Pangyo and a Canadian entertainment company in Seoul.

Since 2013, Sean has been supporting clients with various aspects of remote business management from Europe to Korea and the resulting operational requirements in Korea. He has worked with clients and brands in market entry, research, partner identification and product registration, particularly in the media, content and entertainment sectors including intellectual property and licensing.

Sean holds a bachelor-degree in German language & Literature from the Kangwon National University.

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